Thursday, October 8, 2020

beefless peppers

Soy curls used in an old favorite of hubby’s “Beef and Peppers” - would have used twice as many peppers but I ran out.
I added two cups hot beefish broth to the marinade and used it to soak the soy curls, saved the drained liquid and added it to the glaze and all the extra was absorbed.

Based on a recipe from the little cookbook from the chinese cooking class I took in Okinawa, you can tell the page is well-used.

3 TB soy sauce (tamari, Braggs, etc)
2 tsp cornstarch
1 TB red wine vinegar
1 TB tahini
Dash black pepper
1 tsp finely chopped ginger 
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 TB water
Dash baking soda
(Add two cups hot beefish broth, a bit of “Kitchen Bouquet” for color, stir in soy curls and soak ten minutes, stirring occasionally, put in strainer and squeeze out extra liquid over container, bake on silpat for at least 25 minutes at 375 til toasty)
3-4 green bell peppers sliced or mix colors
1 onion sliced
About 4 cups shredded cabbage
Bean sprouts are great if you have them, water chestnuts, etc.
1-2 tsp cornstarch
2 tsp soy sauce
1/3 cup “chicken” broth
Stir fry veg and season with sprinkles of ginger and garlic powder, bit of black pepper, soy sauce, crushed red peppers if you like spicier.
When al dente or done to taste, add soy curls and pour on glaze including marinade, make sure all is heated through, if too watery cook down a few minutes. 
Serve over brown rice.
 Leftovers had an even more “beefy” texture! Tasty marinade, baking them until dry then adding liquid to the dish works wonders for the texture, I kept half expecting to run into some fat or gristle chewing that "meat."