Thursday, February 13, 2020

Tomango Rice (tomangacado?)

For those of us still in summer, one of my favorite simple meals good cold or at room temperature:
Amounts are estimated because its variable to taste, plus your tomatoes, avocadoes, and mangoes might be large or small,you might need to feed more people and stretch it out, etc. It's all good!

around 2 1/2-3+ cups cooked brown rice (I like brown basmati)
about 2/3 cup cooked black ("forbidden") rice
one large ripe mango, chopped
one or two ripe real garden tomatoes chopped (or grape tomatoes cut up)
one or two avocados chopped
(the goal is to have roughly equal amounts of avocado, mango, and tomato)
juice of one lime
optional handful of finely chopped cilantro (including stems)

Squeeze the lime over the avocado first to help it keep its color, stir everything together.

This is good by itself or served with a baked sweet potato, maybe some fresh green beans. I batch cook and freeze the rice so I can just pull it out as needed. Keeps fine in the fridge for lunch the next day and travels well. Good picnic with some chewy or crusty bread.

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